Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Ray Bailey for Jobs in the 190th legislative District of Philadelphia PA

If you live in West Philadelphia, PA then it only makes sense to vote for Ray Bailey for State Representative on April 26th, 2016 Button 20.


RAY BAILEY is the only candidate I know of here in West Philly, who is SERIOUS about bringing jobs to our community, he will also do all he can to even raise the minimum wage up to $15 dollars an hour, this is something that will be instrumental in getting many of our youth off the streets thereby making the community safer at the same time.


We have many capable and able men and woman young and senior, ready to work in our community, yet the unemployment rate is well north of 50%. How do we change this? Well, first, people have to care, and I'm certain YOU do, we all do, but without representation in Harrisburg, we don't have a chance. WELL NOW WE DO and the answer is Ray Bailey. He will bring Job Programs to the community, inside the community, training men and women on how to get these jobs, how to prepare resumes and how to keep them, but the first thing he will do is bring the jobs here. He has long standing relationships with the businesses in our community and outside of our community. Often when there are Jobs available, many in our communities don't qualify just on the basis of not be prepared, or having the knowledge of how to represent themselves. Job training programs will solve these problems.

FUNDING for Entrepreneurs

Many of us have great business ideas and basic business smarts. I've spoken to many in our West Philadelphia community who express interest in going into business for ourselves, however, the opportunity isn't there. What happens most of the time is, funding pretty much goes elsewhere. remember in the 60's, 70's and even early 80's the business owners were the very people who lived right in your community? Ray Bailey is determined to partner with other state agencies and public entities to deliver specialized programs and services to assist in enhancing the workforce. We can bring that reality back. It starts with Voting for the man who is dedicated to serving these purposes, RAY BAILEY for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Button 20, on April 26th, 2016.

You know me and the things I stand for, so you know if I am supporting something or someone, I don't do it lightly. I believe in this man and what he stands for. And by all means, do your due diligence and check out the things I've said in this blog for yourselves. You will find that I am right. We need serious change and the man who will bring this change immediately is RAY BAILEY. Join me on April 26th, 2016 in voting for RAY BAILEY for STATE REPRESENTATIVE for the 190th Legislative District. VOTE RAY BAILEY 4 JOBS!  Thank you


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